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International speednetworking with alumni - February 24th




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How to build an international career? What is the reality of the market? You are willing to work abroad but you still have questions on your career guidance?

In order to help you build your project, Sciences Po alumni invites you to join a large network of former students who can support you in your career choices. A lot of graduated students from Sciences Po are now working abroad, for companies or international organizations. So come and meet professionals who have built an international career!

These meetings are organized in partnership with Sciences Po Career services and PSIA during the international career days.

ask the alumni, your « alter ego » with an international work experience, all the questions that you may have.

Date: Wednesday, 24th February 2016

Format: 10-15 minutes individual meetings with an alumni, either:

  • At Sciences Po, 13 rue de l’Université from 6 pm to 8.30 pm (Salle corporate of the Carrer Center)
  • Via Skype: you need to have a Skype account and a computer with microphone and webcam in order to contact directly the alumni which interests you.

Registration: by clicking on the links below, you can register on the time slot of your choice.

For any query, please do not hesitate to contact us:

30 minutes with an alumnus with an international work experience

Sciences Po Carrière - 1er étage - 13 rue de l'université

1 / At 7pm How to build an international career ? COMPLET
Pascale Anderson Mair (SP 81) - Vice President, Human Resources Europe & Africa, Heidrick & Struggles

2/ At 7:30pm -  Job in European affairs COMPLET
Franck Gouéry (2003)
has been an Administrator at the European Commission since 2007. He worked successively on development issues and relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific States, as a policy officer in the field of energy and is currently based at the Commission's Paris Representation. He has also been a teacher of European affairs at Sciences Po since 2008.

INTERVIEWS AT SCIENCES PO ( service Carrière - 13, rue de l'Université)

Isabelle BRIERE (CRH 94)
Director, Top Executive Development at Geodis
Available time slots: 19h00, 19h15, 19h30, 19h45, 20h, 20h15
To meet Isabelle Briere, please click here

Benjamin FAURE (M 06)

HR Business Partner at Jaeger
Available time slots: 18h00, 18h15, 18h30, 18h45, 19h00, 19h15, 19h30, 19h45
To meet Benjamin Faure, please click here


CEO at Key Partners International-Asia
Axel Marchand began his career as a lecturer at Tianjin Normal University, where he taught French and French culture to Chinese students for three years. Axel Marchand founded SSC Formation in 2009. On behalf of French companies, he conducted training programs teaching strategic technics and effective negotiation methods when doing business with Chinese businesses counterparts. Today, he is CEO Key Partners at International-Asia, a consulting firm specialized in creating international business networks
Available time slots: 18h00, 18h15, 18h30, 18h45, 19h00, 19h15, 19h30, 19h45
To meet Axel Marchand, please click here

Gaëlle RIVIERE (D 01)
Chargée de mission Voisinage méditerranée » au Service international du Conseil régional d’Île-de-France
Graduated from Sciences Po Paris in 2001 and from the School of Oriental and African Studies (London Univ) in 2003, Gaëlle started her professional life in the field of bilateral cooperation: being a Cultural Attaché at the French Embassy in Muscat, Oman, she developed during 2 years (2003-2005) various projects of cooperation in the field of Culture, Research and Technology and encouraged Omani students’ mobility to French Universities.
After a 2 years parenthesis in the field of institutional communication at Ubiqus, Paris (2007-2009), she was sent by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs to join the European Union Border Assistance Mission (EUBAM) in Rafah (Gaza, Palestine in 2009-2010) : she acted as Press and Public Information Officer of the mission in a particular context when the EUBAM was maintained in Ashkelon, in a stand-by position, waiting to redeploy in Rafah.
She came back to Paris and was recruited in 2011 by the Regional Council of Île-de-France to develop a Mediterranean policy in the aftermath of the “Arab spring”. Since then, she has been in charge of the projects developed in the frame of decentralized cooperation with the city of Beyrouth and the Jerusalem Governorate; she coordinates the financial support to associations based in Ile de France that develop activities with counterparts in the Mediterranean countries; and she is currently in charge of investigating on the development of economic ties between the Ile-de-France Region and the Maghreb region.
Available time slots: 18h00, 18h15, 18h30, 18h45
To meet Gaëlle Rivière, please click here


Founder at We Are not chickens, Wise Digital UK and Avantgarde France
Xavier Quattrocchi-Oubradous started his carrer as an investment banker based in Milan, Paris and London.
Since 2001 he has started up, acquired and sold a number of communication agencies, most recently founding Avantgarde France (French arm of the experiential agency network), Wise Digital (digital agency) and We are not chickens (creative and strategic agency). In the last 2 years he has become involved in heritage brands, investing in and sitting at the Board of Crème Simon, the oldest French cosmetics brand, and currently relaunching Cosmydor, a 1870’s soap and shampoo brand.
He co-authored "Emoti-coms", a provocative book emphasising the importance of emotions in marketing, communication, and even business in general.

Available time slots: 18h30, 18h45, 19h00, 19h15, 19h30, 19h45, 20h00, 20h15
To meet Xavier Quattrocchi-Oubradous, please click here

Noémie RAMPA (M 08)

Responsables actions de proximité et lutte contre l’exclusion à l’Ordre de Malte – France
After her graduation from Sciences-Po in 2008 (Master of Public Affairs), Noémie worked as a consultant for the public sector at Eurogroup Consulting. During five years she worked with the Interior Ministry and the Department of Defense on different IT programs. She specialized in IT organization. She also worked on organization auditing for State administrations and hospitals.
After a long commitment as a volunteer in several charity organizations (helping children and migrants), Noémie joined the Order of Malta (Ordre de Malte France) in 2013 as a project leader for homeless people programs. She helped local teams in fifty counties in France to develop new programs (food assistance, medical, social programs). As a result, the number of teams doubled within two years in France.
During two years Noémie also created training programs for volunteers of the Order of Malta and implemented new processes to improve organization within the charity headquarters.

Available time slots: 18h00, 18h15, 18h30, 18h45, 19h00, 19h15, 19h30, 19h45, 20h, 20h15
To meet Noémie Rampa, please click here

Friederike RÖDER (M 05) - COMPLET

Directrice de One France
Friederike Röder has a Master’s degree from Sciences Po Paris and one from Freie Universität Berlin, in political science and international relations. Since then, she has worked in international development: first within the OECD on good governance and fragile states, then as an advisor on the same matters to the German ministry of development cooperation. She moved to South Africa in 2009 to work with the African Union, most notably the Pan-African Parliament. Upon her return to Europe, she joined the Arab Reform Initiative, a think tank working on political reforms in North Africa and the Middle East. Other initiatives she was involved with include the German President’s Initiative for a Partnership with Africa and the European Former Leaders’ Group mediating in the Israel-Palestine conflict. She has been with ONE since April 2011, first as advocacy and policy manager and since November 2013 as France director.
Cofounded by Bono, ONE is a campaigning and advocacy organization of 7 million people taking action to end extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa.

Hassatou BA (M 10) - COMPLET
Chargée de programme du bureau Afrique à la Fédération Internationale des Droits de l’Homme

Arnaud BALNER (M 09) - COMPLET
Rédacteur politique à la Direction des Affaires stratégiques, de la Sécurité et du Désarmement au Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international
After completing undergraduate studies and a Research Master in History of international relations at the University Paris 1, Arnaud Balner attended a Master in International Relations at Sciences Po in 2009. Thereafter, he has been working for several years at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development, where he was admitted through the foreign service competitive examinations in 2012. Since September 2015, he has been the Political desk officer of the Directorate for Strategic Affairs, Security and Disarmament. He also worked as the Humanitarian desk officer at the Crisis Centre, between 2012 and 2015. He taught as a Lecturer in European Affairs at Sciences Po Paris in 2014/2015.


The skype ID of the alumni will be emailed to you some days before the event. You will then need to connect with him or her directly on Skype.

Ambroise BOBTCHEFF (D 01) - complet
International Sales Director EMEA & ASIA, Eve Lom & Lipstick Queen
A graduate of Sciences-Paris and Sup de Co Reims, Ambroise Bobtcheff has worked in the luxury industry for 14 years. After 5 years with Guerlain (LVMH), working in various operational marketing positions in Europe and the Middle East, Ambroise was appointed Export Director for Champagne Taittinger. He then moved to London where he ran the duty-free business of the Clinique and Origins brands. In July 2015, Ambroise joined the Space NK Group as the International Sales Director EMEA & ASIA for the Eve Lom and Lipstick Queen brands.
Elizabeth GORODKOV-GOUTIERRE (RI 90) - complet
Partner and Recruitment Specialist at TPA / Axis – Russie
Available time slots: 15h00, 15h15, 15h30, 15h45, 16h00, 16h15, 16h30, 16h45, 17h00, 17h15, 17h30, 17h45
Stéphane RAMBOSSON (EF 92) - complet
Managing Partner at DRH International – London
After being graduated from ESCP and having worked at Warburg Pincus and Pernod Ricard, he joined the corporate bank Schroders in 1995 in Corporate finance in Paris and then in London, where he becomes manager of the industrial sector. Starting work at Citibank from 2000 onwards, he becomes Manager for the primary shares capital market for francophone countries and industrial sectors. In 2008, he becomes managing partner at the headhunting firm Veni Partners, and after the company merges with DHR International in 2015, he is manager of the financial sector as well as the co-director at the London office. Being a true Londoner since 1980, he is also consular advisor, advisor for external commerce, member of the « Cercle d’outre-manche » and trustee of SciencesPo Alumni UK Trust.

Benoît de SAULCE LATOUR (D 00) - complet
Team Management Enabler at TeamDecide
After a Law degree, Benoît de Saulce Latour joined the Military Academy Saint-Cyr. He graduated in 1988 with a commission in the Armour. During his 28 years of service, he has commanded units at every echelon from platoon to regiment, with duty in Lebanon, Western Africa, Afghanistan and Kosovo. From 2009 to 2013, he was training and education director of the Armour and Cavalry School, Saumur. Thereafter, he joined Securitas France as Training Director. Benoît de Saulce Latour holds a Bachelor of Management from Saint-Cyr and a Master Degree in Sociology and Change Management from Sciences-Po Paris. He is a graduate of the Command and General Staff College and the Army War College. As an officer in charge of operations and crisis management in moving and demanding environments, he gained an expertise in decision-making. TeamDecide© is his contribution to a more cooperative form of management.
Available Time slots: 9h00, 9h15, 9h30, 9h45, 10h00, 10h15, 10h30, 10h45
To meet Benoît de Saulce Latour, please click here

Deputy Consul General at the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau
Lilas Bernheim is the Deputy Consul General at the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau since September 2013. She has been working in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 1998, starting as legal adviser in the Legal Affairs Department and then exercising positions of political counselor at the Permanent Representation of France to the European Union (2003-2006 and 2010-2013) and at the French Embassy in Belgrade (2006-2009). She graduated from University of Law Paris II, Institute of Political Studies of Paris and College of Europe of Bruges.

Alexandrine BRAMI (D 01) COMPLET
CEO & co-founder at Digital Factory Brazil
I am the CEO of a Franco-Brazilian startups incubator located in the very heart of Sao Paulo business area. We are 30 people managing 6 startups amongst which My Little Brasil, Omelhorde Paris, PortugaisEnLigne, CursodeFrancesOnline, each one having a specific business model. My mission is recruiting managers, making them grow and associating them with the capital of the companies arising from the innovative projects at their base. I am with them on a daily basis, on the vision as well as on the strategy and management of people. I get them in touch with key actors of the business world in order to help them developing their sales and open on new markets on their respective fields. In conjuntion to that, I am coordinating the Entrepreneurship commitee of the Franco-Brazilian chamber of commerce, and I am the president of the France-Brazil alumni Group.


General Secretary of the France-China Foundation
Béatrice d’Estienne d’Orves has had 12 years experience in project management between China and France. Prior to joining the Foundation, Béatrice spent 5 years in China as Director of Business Development at the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIFC). Previously, she worked as Marketing Manager at Yves Rocher Cosmetic Group in France and in China, where she took part in the launch of the brand Yves Rocher and the opening of the first sales points in Beijing and Shanghai. Béatrice started her career in Taipei (Taiwan), as communication coordinator at the National Palace Museum. Béatrice graduated from Sciences Po (IEP) in Paris and is fluent in French, English and Mandarin.

Laurence FARA (D 02) - COMPLET
Senior Legal Expert at Schneider Group
Laurence is a French lawyer with extensive experience in European, international and commercial law practice in governmental, non-governmental and private organizations (MFA, EU, GIZ, SCHNEIDER GROUP). After her studies in France, the US and Russia, she gained over 11 years experience in providing legal and policy advice in Russia and the five Central Asian Republics. Her area of expertise includes business law, corporate law, tax law and compliance. Laurence is fluent in French, English, Russian, German and Spanish.

Federica GARGANO (D 02) - COMPLET

Deputy Manager for the Threat Assessmeznt and Risk Analysis Unitb at Air France and Security Specialist at UNICEF DRC
Available time slots: 18h00, 18h15, 18h30, 18h45

Frédérique HERZOG (M 12) - COMPLET

ex Secrétaire générale d’iesMed, SCEL – Spain
Frédérique Herzog holds a dual degree in Environmental Science and Policy from Sciences Po & Université Pierre et Marie Curie (2012). She did her internship in the French Embassy in Spain in the Agriculture Department, and then worked three years in Barcelona in the cooperative IesMed, a platform that promotes Social and Solidarity Economy in the Mediterranean Region.


CFO at Nestle Nespresso Japan
After studying in two top-tier business schools in Reims and Reutlingen (Germany), Félix Langenbach attended a Masters program in Political Science and Government at Sciences Po in 2002-2003. He then attended two Masters programs at the International University of Japan (2004) and at Dartmouth University (2005). He was a Strategy Consultant for Siemens (2005-2006) before he started working for Nestlé Nespresso, where he has been a Finance Director (CFO) since 2011. He is currently working in Tokyo (Japan).

Bálint PINTER (M 14) - COMPLET
Senior Performance Management Assistant at UN Refugee Agency – Hungary

After finishing my BA at the Dijon Campus, I enrolled the Human Rights and Humanitarian Action Master’s at PSIA. During the second year, I did an internship with UNHCR in Burundi, which helped me in deciding to specialise in refugee/child protection. In fact, I already had some experience in this field, through student projects. Luckily, only a couple of months after I graduated in summer 2014, I got hired at the administrative headquarters of UNHCR in Budapest and am currently working at the performance management unit of the HR department; providing technical support and policy advice about the Organisation’s performance management system to staff in our operations worldwide. I cover countries in Northern, Central and Eastern Africa, as well as in the Middle-East.

Mélodie SAADA (M 11) - COMPLET
Associate, Corporate Investigations & Disputes at The Risk Advisory Group – London
Mélodie Saada is an associate in Risk Advisory’s Corporate Investigations & Disputes practice, a leading independent global risk consultancy headquartered in London.
Prior to joining Risk Advisory, Mélodie worked for a Paris-based strategic intelligence consultancy, where she was involved in a broad range of investigations, including in-depth due diligence focusing on France, Latin America and India. She also has some experience working for non-governmental organisations in Colombia and France, including the French Red Cross.
Mélodie has an MA in International Security and a Bachelor in Political Science & Latin-American Studies from Sciences Po Paris.

Louisa STUWE (M 12) - COMPLET
Consultant at the Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization / Pan American Health Organization – USA
Master of Public Administration with Focus on Healthcare Administration at Sciences Po Paris and Master of Public Health at French School of Public Health (EHESP).
Multilingual health systems practitioner experienced in health policy, stakeholder mapping and analysis and decision-making processes within the national and international public health sector and pharmaceutical industry, including French Ministry of Health, World Bank, regional offices of World Health Organization for Europe and the Americas, GlaxoSmithKline

Head of Sustainable Habitat Japan, Co-Head of External Affairs at Saint-Gobain Japan
Valerie Moschetti began her career abroad, in Ivory Coast, South Africa and Morocco, alterning positions in the public and private sectors. She mainly worked in the consulting industry (strategy and marketing), with an extensive experience in developing international partnerships and foreign investments.
Since her arrival in Japan 8 years ago, she has been Policy Recommendation Manager to the European Union at the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, a European and Japanese Think Tank, where she coordinated research and analysis on cooperation potentialities between the EU and Japan in priority areas such as Innovation, Environment and Energy. Today she is Head of Sustainable Habitat Japan and Co-Head of External Affairs at Saint-Gobain, where she is in charge of Public Affairs and relations with the Japanese government, Parliament members and other stakeholders. As a Sherpa for Saint-Gobain Representative at the EU-Japan Business Round Table and as the Chairperson of the Construction Committee at the European Business Council in Japan, she follows the EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement negotiations.
She graduated from Sciences Po Paris in International Affairs (specialization European Union), holds a Master in Intercultural Management from Inalco, a Master in Italian Language and Culture (specialization in European Affairs) from Paris IV-Sorbonne and a Diploma of 'Technique and Practice of Business' from the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Paris.


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