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Replay #5 | International Careers | Living and working in the United States

Actualités Carrières



It is now possible to watch the webinar replay on  "Living and working in the United States"

You can watch or review our webinars at a time that best suits your schedule, at your own pace.
The idea: alumni living abroad come and share with you their stories, experience and give you some tips about a move in their country!


  • Domitille Marchal Lemoine, '97
    Executive Director, Friends of Fondation de France and member of the US chapter bureau
    Visa: previously L2and now green card
  • Thomas Koenig, '11
    Project Finance Investment Analyst at Nexwell
    Visa: H1B
  • Nora Poggi, '11
    Journalist, documentary filmmaker (SHE STARTED IT), writer and impact producer.
    Visa: previously J1 and now green card

  • Loyle Campbell, '22
    M2 student, PSIA, International Energy. In 2021 international policy fellow for the House of Representatives Select Committee on the Climate Crisis' Majority Staff.
    Visa: J1

Click here to watch the replay


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