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Replay #7 | International Careers | Living and working in Senegal

Actualités Carrières



It is now possible to watch the webinar replay on  "Living and working in  Senegal"

You can watch or review our webinars at a time that best suits your schedule, at your own pace.
The idea: alumni living abroad come and share with you their stories, experience and give you some tips about a move in their country!


    • Meriem M'Rani-Alaoui '16

This meeting , in French and English, was introduced by Mamadou Fall Kane, ('09), President of the Senegal Chapter, Deputy Secretary of the Strategic Orientation Committee for the Oil&Gas (COS-PETROGAZ), and moderated by Babacar Seck, ('14), President of the "Cercle Afrique", Private Equity Investor at PROPARCO.

Click here to watch the replay

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