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Sciences Po's 150th anniversary in Nairobi

150 ans



On Wednesday the 3rd of May Sciences Po Alumni Cercle Afrique and the Alliance Française Nairobi celebrated Sciences Po's 150th anniversary, during a conference, under the patronage of the French Embassy in Kenya.

On this occasion,  Dr. Arancha González, the Dean of Sciences Po’s Paris School of International Affairs, gave a lecture on Africa-Europe relations, what's in it for the youth?  together with Dr. Mshai Mwangola, a performance scholar and a member of the Executive Committee of CODESRIA (Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa), in a lively dialogue moderated by Trevor Kibet, Associate Analyst at Control Risks.

At the end of the conference, a friendly cocktail permitted to a hundred guests to celebrate our alma mater and franco-kenyan friendship.

 Find all pictures here


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