ALUMNI WORLD TOUR : Moscow (#3) - Strategic & Economic Prospects for Russia with the Artic Routes Opening

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December 2nd, 17:30 (Paris), 19:30 (Moscow)
Language : English

In October 2020, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a new development strategy for the Russian Arctic Zone by 2035. According to the objectives, freight traffic is expected to increase from 31.5 million tons per year in 2019 to 130 million tons in 2035. To accelerate the growth of the Northern Sea Route, the Russian government intends to rely on the development of its fleet of nuclear ice-breaking vessels, capable of flowing traffic.

However, the development of the Russian Arctic Zone also faces many risks, both climatic with the melting of the permafrost, but also security with potential conflicts to control the route and the associated wealth. How does Russia intend to deal with these risks in order to develop the Northern Sea Route?


Mikaa Mered: Mikaa Mered is Professor of Arctic & Antarctic Geopolitics, Hydrogen Geopolitics, and Head of DSRI Strategies and Overseas Environment at the Institut Libre d'Étude des Relations Internationales de Paris (ILERI). He also teaches at Sciences Po Paris, the Catholic University of Lille, and the École de Guerre where he is also responsible for the Safety and Environment Committee. Expert assessor to the European Commission and Chairman of the French Polar Cluster, his first book "Les Mondes Polaires" (PuF) received the 2020 Geopolitical Book Prize and the 2020 ILERI Geopolitical Essay Prize.

 Artem Larionov: Marketing expert at Rusatom Overseas (ROSATOM). Rusatom Overseas is responsible for bringing the exclusive ROSATOM Integrated Offer for large and small scale nuclear power plants to the global market. Mr Larionov is particularly in charge of promotion of SMRs and floating nuclear plants on foreign markets. Artem is also a member of Rusatom Overseas analytics team, which is primarily involved in global energy landscape monitoring, assessment and strategy elaboration.

Andrey Krivorotov: Ph.D. in Economics. Professor at MGIMO ; Member of the International Association for Arctic Social Sciences ; Expert of the Russian Council on International Affairs ; Specialist on socio-economic development and international competitiveness of the Arctic regions, international and regional policy in the North and issues related to the development of oil and gas resources of the Arctic shelf ; Secretary of the Board of Directors, Head of Division, Head of the Corporate Relations Department of Shtokman Development AG.


Irène Commeau, Board of the France-Russia Chapter, Sciences Po Alumni


- Junior Business Club France Russie
- Cercle Franco-Russe  de Sciences Po Alumni
- HEC Alumni

About the Alumni World Tour 2020

The Alumni World Tour is a one-week online forum launched by the Cercle Sciences Po - HEC Paris (Sciences Po Alumni) and sponsored by Sciences Po Alumni and HEC Alumni, which aims at gathering the communities of both institutions. From November 30th to December 4th, we will explore maritime issues during 5 live conferences with both Sciences Po and HEC Alumni Chapters in Marseille, Montreal, Moscow, Beirut, and Singapore.

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Released on: Cercle Sciences Po - HEC, Russie, Cercle Franco-Russe
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