Power, Democracy, Citizens and Europe

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The Cercle Europe of Sciences Po Alumni and the Association des Etudiants de l'Ecole d'Affaires Publiques are delighted to invite you to their next conference:

Power, Democracy, Citizens and Europe

As part of a cycle of events, this conference will allow participants to discuss with three prominent speakers on how to promote a truly European debate and build a career in the European civil society

Guillaume Klossa (@GuillaumeKlossa) | Twitter

Guillaume Klossa  
Writer, founder of Civico Europa and EuropaNova, Director for the European Broadcasting Union (2013-2018),
Former Special Advisor of European Commission VP Ansip on Artificial intelligence


Ania Skrzypek

Director for Research and Training at the Foundations
for European Progressive Studies (FEPS)


Sébastien Lumet   
Groupe d'Etudes Géopolitiques (GEG) /
Le Grand Continent - Brussels Office

Besides working in the European institutions, there are a number of ways to advance the European project through civil society engagement.

To get a better insight of how this sphere of power is working and how it helps democratic deepening in the EU, we will discuss with  :

Guillaume Klossa is a European thinker and practitioner. He founded EuropaNova, a Paris-based European think-tank, Civico Europa, a pro-democracy civic movement and the European Young leaders’ program. He held several top political responsibilities: senior political adviser of the last French presidency of the EU, sherpa of the reflection group on the future of European (European Council), special adviser to Andrus Ansip, European Commission vice-president on artificial intelligence, media and platform regulation. Former director of the European Broadcasting Union, the most influential media alliance worldwide, Guillaume is also a writer and international columnist. He long lectured at Sciences Po.

Ania Skrzypek is Director for Research and Training at the Foundations for European Progressive Studies (FEPS). She holds Ph.D. cum laude in political sciences from the University of Warsaw. Before joining FEPS in 2009, Ania worked as a researcher at the Faculty of Journalism and Political Sciences at the University of Warsaw (2003 – 2009) and also served twice consecutively as elected Secretary General of the Young European Socialists (ECOSY, 2005-2009). She is an author of over 80 published books, papers and articles, available in English, German, French and Polish. 

Sébastian Lumet is the Director of the Brussels Officeof the Geopolitical Studies Group, an independent think tank founded at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris to offer an interdisciplinary reflection on the geopolitics of Europe. His approach is based on geographical, philosophical, economic, sociological and literary approaches, and is placed in a transnational and multi-linguistic perspective. He is also the Brussels correspondent Le Grand Continent a high quality European media already.


Looking forward to discussing with you and our guests on the 3th of February.

Franck Gouéry
Cercle Europe

Released on: Cercle Europe
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