Sciences Po's 150th anniversary in Nairobi

161 attendees
Alliance Française Nairobi
Utalii Lane
Utalii Lane NAIROBI

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Dear Alumni, 

To celebrate Sciences Po's 150th anniversary, Sciences Po Alumni Cercle Afrique and the Alliance Française Nairobi are pleased to invite you to a conference, under the patronage of the French Embassy in Kenya, on Wednesday the 3rd of May at 7:30 p.m. 

On this occasion, we will have the honour to host Dr. Arancha González, the Dean of Sciences Po’s Paris School of International Affairs, who will give a lecture on Africa-Europe relations, what's in it for the youth?  together with Dr. Mshai Mwangola, a performance scholar and a member of the Executive Committee of CODESRIA (Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa).

The conference, which will be in English, will be moderated by Trevor Kibet, Associate Analyst at Control Risks.

At the end of the conference, we will have the opportunity to celebrate our alma mater and franco-kenyan friendship during a cocktail.

The conference will be available online as well.

Looking forward to welcoming you,

Sciences Po Alumni Cercle Afrique and the Alliance Française Nairobi



Arancha González

Prior to joining PSIA, Dean González served as Spain’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation (2020-2021). She previously was Assistant-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the International Trade Centre (2013-2020). Between 2005 and 2013, she served as Chief of Staff to the Director-General of the World Trade Organization. Before that she held senior positions at the European Commission in the areas of international trade and development. Dean González started her career as a lawyer in the private sector.  

Mshaï Mwangola

Dr S. Mshaï Mwangola is a performance scholar/oraturist who holds a doctorate in Performance Studies from Northwestern University (USA), a Master’s degree in Creative Arts from the University of Melbourne (Australia); and a Bachelor of Education from Kenyatta University (Kenya). A member of the Executive Committee of CODESRIA, she serves on the adjunct faculty of African Leadership Centre. A founding member of “The Elephant” and “The Orature Collective” epistemic communities, she is invested in creating, nurturing and supporting processes and spaces facilitating the transcending of boundaries between intellectual communities.

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Released on: Cercle Afrique

Alliance Française Nairobi

Utalii Lane NAIROBI

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