American Regional Meeting - The French Presidential Election – Perspectives from the Americas

36 attendees and 1 interested
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Sciences Po Alumni has the pleasure to invite you to an alumni meeting in partnership with its American chapters around Martin Schain, Emeritus Professor of Politics at New York University (NYU), and Pascal Perrineau, President of Sciences Po Alumni. 

How is the French Presidential election perceived in the Americas? Which candidate might focus its foreign policy on the Atlantic zone?

This webconference, in French and English, will analyze the stakes and different viewpoints on the French election from the two shores of the Atlantic.

During the final part of the meeting, an interactive session among chapters' bureaux will enable to exchange best practices of engagement and involvement of the alumni network from this geographical area. How to improve cooperation among alumni abroad and which common and crosswise projects to be developed?

Come and share your experiences from your chapters based in the Americas with Martine Bournerias, Sciences Po Alumni Vice-president, Bernard El Ghoul, Executive Director and Camilla Pagani, consultant, international development. 



6:00 pm - 6:05 pm (CET) Welcome and introduction 

6:05 pm - 7:15 pm (CET) Conference and Q&A

7:15 pm - 7:30 pm (CET) Interactive session with American chapters bureaux



Web conference in English and French

Released on: Cercle Franco-Américain, Brésil, Canada, États-Unis
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