Mediterranean and Middle East Regional Meeting - Revolution and counter-revolution in the Arab world

105 attendees and 3 interested
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Sciences Po Alumni is glad to invite you to a meeting gathering alumni from Mediterranean and Middle East chapters with Stéphane Lacroix, Professor of Political Science at Sciences Po and reseracher at CERI, who will give a conference on "Revolution and Counter-revolution in the Arabic world: What remains of the Arab Spring, ten years on?".

The recent coup de force by President Kaïs Saied in Tunisia, in a context of a generalized return of authoritarianism in the Arab world, does it mark the end of the Arab Spring period? What is at stake in the battle between neo-authoritarians and the heirs of the 2011 emancipatory experience?

During the second part of the meeting, an interactive session will permit to exchange best practices of engagement and involvement of the alumni network from this geographical area. How to improve cooperation among alumni abroad and which common and crosswise projects to be developed?

Come to share your experiences from your chapters based in the Mediterranean and Middle East regions with Martine Bournerias, Sciences Po Alumni Vice-president, Bernard El Ghoul, Executive Director and Camilla Pagani, consultant, international development.


6:00 pm - 6:05 pm (CET) Welcome and introduction

6:05 pm - 7:00 pm (CET) Stéphane Lacroix 's conference and Q&A

7:00 pm - 7:30 pm (CET) Interactive session with Mediterranean and Middle East chapters bureaux


Web conference in English and French

Released on: Cercle Méditerranée et Moyen-Orient
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