Afterwork Section Kenya

2 attendees
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Dear Alumni,


Sciences Po Alumni Kenya section is glad to invite you for afterwork drinks on Thursday, the 24th of October at Maxime's Kayahwe's House, in front of Pentagon Valley Apartment on Kayahwe Road from 7 pm. Call 07 48 82 83 97 / 07 23 39 57 06.

It would be the intention to all meet and let you know about the newly created Sciences Po Alumni Kenya section.


We're looking forward to seeing you there.


Maxime Servettaz & Noé Michalon
Sciences Po Alumni Kenya




Chers Alumni,


La section kényane de Sciences Po Alumni a le plaisir de vous inviter à son verre d'afterwork le jeudi 24 octobre chez Maxime Servettaz, à Kayahwe House, en face de Pentagon Valley Apartment, sur Kayahwe Road, à partir de 19 heures.

Pour toute information, appelez au 07 48 82 83 97 / 07 23 39 57 06.

Ce sera l'occasion de se rencontrer et de discuter de la nouvelle section kényane de Sciences Po Alumni.


Au plaisir de vous retrouver ce jour,


Maxime Servettaz & Noé Michalon
Sciences Po Alumni Kenya

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