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Les jeunes Sciences Po autour du monde : Xulia Martinez Tome, promo 2024, en Belgique

Les jeunes Sciences Po autour du monde



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Xulia Martinez Tome - International Governance and Diplomacy - Promo 2024

My name is Xulia and I am a 2024 graduate with a Master's in International Governance and Diplomacy, with a concentration in European Studies (mostly, the post-Soviet Periphery) and obtaining the Advanced Gender Certificate. Originally from Galiza, I also hold a Bachelor in Political Sciences and Public Administration from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Currently a Blue Book Trainee at DG MARE (Fisheries and Maritime Affairs) at the European Commission in Brussels, focusing on Inter-institutional Affairs and Communications. 

Moreover, I was also a part-time intern at the Events and Communications Division of Sciences Po Alumni during both my first and second year of MA. This experience was not only incredibly enriching from a professional level, as it allowed me to develop some great skills such as social media management or establishing relationships with multiple stakeholders; but also because we created a very safe environment where we felt at home, as we were surrounded by some of the most kind and supportive people I found during the three years I lived in Paris. I would like to thank the whole Sciences Po Alumni team, but especially Alessandra and Julie, for everything they have done for us since we met and up to this day.

During my last semester at Sciences Po, I was not sure what I wanted to do next. I had already interned in the private sector, and other options, such as consulting, had crossed my mind, but one of my best friends and colleagues motivated me to apply to do a traineeship at a European institution and I got accepted. 

Why did I choose MARE? Well, as a Galician, interning at DG MARE will contribute to acquiring key knowledge that could potentially help develop one of the main economic motors in my region. 

Although I have just arrived, I have already had the chance to attend meetings and negotiations at a Council and Parliament level and observe the different dynamics moving the European institutions. Being out of my comfort zone has pushed me to always have to keep learning, which is very stimulating, and I have the chance to be surrounded by other mind-liked individuals, also coming from very diverse backgrounds. However, I must also say that it is important to acknowledge the privilege we have of being part of these types of processes and try to make the most of it while breaking the barriers to further inclusion.

After a month since the beginning of the traineeship, I am starting to have more of a routine and to understand the logic behind the European bubble, which gives me more of a sense of belonging. I am really looking forward to what is to come and what both Brussels and the Commission have to offer. 

If I had to give a tip to people who are looking to what to do next, besides to for sure tell them to take advantage of opportunities such as this one, I would also tell them to sometimes just take a moment and think about themselves when they were fourteen, and see how far they have come; because even when we are feeling a little low, there is always the road we have already walked, and that is what we should be proud of.

One word to discribe the exerience : Fast-paced

Photo : European Parliament - trainees day

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