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Replay #16 | International Careers | Living and working in Singapore

Actualités Carrières



It is now possible to watch the webinar replay on  "Living and working in Singapore"

You can watch or review our webinars at a time that best suits your schedule, at your own pace.
The idea: alumni living abroad come and share with you their stories, experience and give you some tips about a move in their country!


      • Dr Yvonne Guo, '11
        State Counsel, International Affairs Division, Attorney-General's Chambers
      •  Grégor Hochet, '03
        Managing Director at LGT – Private Banking und Asset Management
        President of the alumni chapter in Singapore
      • Danielle Nguyen, '05
        Senior E-Commerce Manager at Bulgari
      • Hugo Petit, '20
        Associate, International Aribitration , Hogan Lovells

"Singapore is Asia for beginners, which enables you to build your connections in the region" - according to Mariana Losada, ('11), Head, Sciences Po, UPC and Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (Inalco) office in Singapore.

Indeed, Danielle Nguyen, ('05), Senior E-Commerce Manager at Bulgari, considers Singapore as the hub for Southeast Asian economy with a lot of energy and opportunities.

In terms of dynamism, according to Dr Yvonne Guo, '11 who is State Counsel in the International Affairs Division at the Attorney-General's Chambers, "Singapore is a vibrant city that never sleeps".

Gregor Hochet ('03), Managing Director at LGT Private Banking and Asset Management, and President of the alumni chapter in Singapore, highlights that the working environment is very cosmopolitan and international, with employees coming from all over the world.

According to Hugo Petit, ('20), Associate, International Aribitration, at Hogan Lovells, Singapore plays a strategic role in the entire region for international companies looking for legal, financial and logistics services.
This makes the city-state a great place to start a career in Asia, but also a very attractive hub for experienced professionals.

This meeting , in English, was introduced by Mariana Losada, ('11), Head, Sciences Po, UPC and INALCO office in Singapore and moderated by Camilla Pagani, ('09), Consultant, International Affairs for Sciences Po Alumni.

Click here to watch the replay

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