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Launch of the European Chair on Sustainable Development and Climate Transition : Europe’s Role in the World to Advance Climate Neutrality




The European Green Deal aims to make the continent climate neutral by 2050. To be impactful, new forms of citizen, labor and business engagements are required to consolidate and advance hard-won social and environmental gains not only in Europe but in other countries and regions as well. The panel will discuss ideas on Europe’s role in advancing a socially inclusive and carbon neutral economic development across the world.

Wed, 25 November 2020

17:15 – 18:45 CET


Moderator: Enrico Letta, Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA)


  • Naoko Ishii, Professor, University of Tokyo; former CEO of the Global Environment Facility
  • Carlos Lopes, Professor, University of Cape Town; African Union High Representative for Partnerships with Europe
  • Sunita Narain, Director-General, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi
  • Jeff Sachs, University Professor, Columbia University
  • Jacob Werksman, Principal Advisor on EU Climate Policy, European Commission)

This event is co-organized by the School of Public Affairs and the Paris School of International Affairs and takes place in the framework of the official launch of the European Chair on Sustainable Development and Climate Transition.

Co-hosted by the School of Public Affairs and the Paris School of International Affairs, the European Chair on Sustainable Development and Climate Transition is resolutely transdisciplinary, seeking to develop integrative thinking to help resolve complex challenges of sustainable development and climate transition. The Chair is headed by Shiv Someshwar, Professor at Sciences Po.

The Chair is supported by Hermes, HSBC and the European Investment Bank

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