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Nordic-French challenges: Sciences Po Alumni look forward to northern Europe!




Dear Members,

The 1st December lock-down number 2 comes to an end and Christmas is on the horizon.

2020 is a year unequalled in this century and has challenged us all in so many ways. 

We, as one of the newest organizations in Sciences Po Alumni, have to adjust, adapt and innovate in 2021 to meet your demands and we hope to reach our achievements.

It goes without saying that our job will be on target thanks to the support of you, our members and all our partners of the Nordic-French community.

Thanks so much in advance!

Tack så mycket i förväg, alla!

Tusen takk på forhånd, alle sammen!

Mange tak på forhånd, alle sammen!

Kiitos paljon etukäteen, kaikki!

Kærar þakkir fyrirfram, allir!

Since our first steps, we are indebted to our active Sciences Po Alumni Team and Council Members and particularly to our President, Pascal Perrineau.

So, for 2021 and with it our hopes and anticipation that a medicine will straighten the line and sow the seeds of normality once again.

We look forward to that and to launching officially our representation of our members in the Nordic-French society.

We hope to e-see you next year to celebrate the first event of the Nordic-French Community and its partners.

A très bientôt!

Elisabeth Chaillet-Leforestier
President of the Nordic-French Group at Sciences Po Alumni

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