Finding your voice, your direction, and your boundaries as a woman

7 participants et 11 intéressés
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Women face specific challenges in the professional environment. The perception biases of others or even those

that women have integrated tend to make their career paths more complicated.

It doesn't have to be that way. While we cannot change the system, women can still carve out a path that makes


The mistake would be to try to fit into a mold of expectations that were not designed for them and towards

which they start with a handicap. By being in catch-up mode, the risk is either to be "too much" or "not enough",

so they lose every time.

We will therefore see instead how women can set not only set the tone but also clear boundaries, for a career

and a life more in harmony with who they are.

As Founder of CAREER ON PURPOSE, O’ona Souissi helps international executives and high-level experts build a meaningful career.

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