Influence and non-verbal communication - Sciences Po

22 participants
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Not so great at selling yourself ? Accelerate your career or your business by harnessing the power of genuine human connection. 

Whether at the interview or in the discussions with your colleagues, prospects or VC's, the impression you convey but also the way you lead the exchange and your ability to connect with others are key success factors. Unfortunately, too often this is where things go wrong. 

Beyond competence, people tend to choose the person they like the most. The good news is... raising interest and generating trust are skills that can be learnt. 

So, if you want to improve your career or your business by harnessing the power of genuine human connection, you will gain a lot from this webinar. 

You'll learn to : 

- Be in control of the conversation dynamics - Read others to become instantly more likeable - and credible - Master non-verbal communication in any context


Pour les Pass Carrières, merci de s'inscrire auprès de Fabiola (

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