SAVE THE DATE: Dinner Debate with guest speaker Peter Neumann

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Dear Alumni,

Happy New Year!

Our first 2016 dinner debate on 21 January, we will discuss  "The Future of the Terrorist Threat in Europe" with guest speaker Peter Neumann .

The Paris attacks were just the start: We are at the beginning of a new wave of terrorism that will last for an entire generation. Its root cause is the conflict in Syria and Iraq where ISIS – the so-called Islamic State – is creating a totalitarian utopia that also serves as a basis for training and operations. Thousands of young Muslims from Europe have joined this conflict and received military training. Some of them are now returning to Europe brutalised and as part of new terrorist networks. They link up with 'homegrown' supporters, and compete with al-Qaeda for leadership of the jihadist movement. In his latest research, Peter Neumann brings the most detailed and informed description of this new phenomenon. Based on a careful analysis of the sources and original empirical research, Neumann explains why the terrorist threat in Europe is greater now than at any point in the last decade. Comparing the new jihadists with previous terrorist waves, he carefully delineates what is new about the new jihadists, and in what respects they are no more than a new incarnation of the terrorist phenomenon that has haunted Europe since the late 19th century.

Peter Neumann is a world leading academic on the subject, he is a Professor of Security Studies at the Department of War Studies, King's College London, and has served as Director of the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation since its foundation in early 2008. Neumann has led research projects and written influential policy reports about online radicalization, foreign fighter networks, terrorist defectors, prison-based de-radicalization programs, and terrorist recruitment in Europe. ICSR's ground breaking research on foreign fighters – for which he serves as principal investigator – has informed policy-makers and public opinion in Europe and North America, and has featured in numerous publications, such as the New York Times Magazine. He was also senior consultant for the U.S. Mission to the United Nations during the process of crafting UN Security Council Resolution 2178 on "Foreign Terrorist Fighters". He has given evidence before a full session of the UN Security Council as well as committees of the U.S. House of Representatives, the UK House of Commons, the Canadian House of Commons, and the European Parliament. For more information:

Date: Thursday 21st January – 19.00
Venue: 1 Lombard Street, London EC3V 9AA (Bank station) –
Includes a 3 course dinner with wine

Early Booking recommended on

password : dinnerdebatejan2016

Looking forward to seeing you all very soon,

Cecile d'Angelin
On behalf of SciencesPo Alumni UK

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1 Lombard Street

EC3V 9AA (Bank station) LONDON

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