Sciences Po Alumni UK – Impact Series

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Sciences Po Alumni UK – Impact Series
Get exclusive insights from our expert UK Alumni community on key issues impacting our world. 

Guest speaker: Arnaud Vaissié (1982), co-founder Chairman & CEO of International SOS*
Moderator: Julien Artero (2003), President, Sciences Po Alumni UK


First we will speak to Arnaud Vaissié, the prominent Sciences Po Alumni in the business community in London and Paris. He has supported Sciences Po for many years and has witnessed the tremendous transformation of our school. He will share his experience with Sciences Po until now. Then we will speak to Arnaud Vaissié as Chairman & CEO of International SOS, to get his views on the current economic situation post-covid in France and in the UK with the never-ending Brexit chaos in the background. Finally we will make time for Q&As with the audience.

*International SOS is in the business of saving lives, protecting organisations' global workforce from health and security threats. Present in 85 countries, the group currently operates with more than 10,000 employees, including 1,400 doctors and access to over 3,200 security specialists. International SOS has over 12,000 corporate clients, including 64% of the Fortune 500 companies, as well as Governments and NGOs.

Date:7 October 2020
Time: 2pm UK time
Duration: one hour

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