WEBINAR Sciences Po - Develop your professional network

14 participants
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How to accelerate your career with a strong power base - even when you hate networking


It's for you if :

- You want to accelerate or boost your career with a strong power base

- You already know that you should network more, but something has been preventing from you

- You have neglected your network, and you're unsure how to revive it

- You have a pretty good network, but no one that can truly help you for your new target

- You have a hard time approaching people, especially with the idea that you're trying to get something from them


It will help you to : 

- Change the game for you career

- Be and remain visible to the people who matter

- See your efforts recognized as they should

- Change the way you approach networking

- Learn how to quickly create the power base you need to open doors - even when you hate etworking !


The webinar will be recorded so you can catch up later, but you'll have a more interactive experience if you are with us live.

For the Career Passes, thank you for registering with Fabiola (fabiola.batreau@sciencespo-alumni.fr)

En cas de désistement, merci de bien vouloir prévenir le Pôle Carrières au moins 48h avant le début de l'atelier. Passé ce délai l'atelier ne sera pas remboursé (ou sera décompté de votre crédit, dans le cadre du Pass Carrières).

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