European embedded insurance - overview and testimonies

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Dear all,

HEC AssuranceInsurtech Francethe Italian Insurtech Associationthe Open & Embedded Insurance Observatory and Sciences Po Alumni are pleased to invite you to their 28/06 webinar on the European embedded insurance market.

The insurance market in Europe is currently seeing an acceleration in the development of insurance platforms and insurance offers embedded in customer journeys from other sectors. This trend can be seen as one of the future target business models for insurance companies and opportunities for new ecosystems and partnerships.

To discuss this topic, the panelists will be:

Gérard Deray, founder & CEO of Mila, who will share his feedback and thoughts regarding the open & embedded insurance,

Karine Gangneux, Director of Partnership Development of Generali France, who will share updates and views regarding this strategic topic,

Eve Moutard Thieffry, Insurance Lead of BlaBlaCar, who will share her views and returns of experience,

Yuri Poletto from the Open & Embedded Insurance Observatory, who will present a panorama on embedded insurance en Europe

The webinar will take place on the 28th of June from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. 


Register as soon as possible and attend the meeting !  

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Diffusé sur : Association du double diplôme Sciences Po - HEC
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