Facing Environmental Crisis in South Asia: Challenges and Responses
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Amphi 28 - 28 rue Saint Guillaume - Paris 7
9:00: Opening by Sergei Guriev, Sciences Po Provost
9:30: Introductory remarks by Mrs Chandrika Kumaratunga, Former President of Sri Lanka and a Sciences Po alumna
10:00 – 12:30 : A Crisis of a Different Magnitude
- Chair: Alexandre Mariani, Sciences Po-DAI
- Discussant: Charlotte Halpern, Sciences Po-CEE/CNRS
- Christophe Jaffrelot, Sciences Po-CERI/CNRS. Hydric Stress, Air Pollution and Deforestation in India
- Isha Ray, Berkeley University/LSE. Community and the Commons: Case Studies from India, Nepal and Bangladesh
--- Lunch break ---
13:45 – 16:45 South Asian Cities and Climate Change
- Chair: Sukriti Issar, Sciences Po-CRIS/CNRS
- Discussant: Laurent Gayer, Sciences Po-CERI/CNRS
- Lalitha Kamath, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. Fisher Stories that Reframe Climate Action in Mumbai
- Umair Javed, Lahore University of Management Studies, Lahore. Urban Villages, Environmental Transformation, and Local Politics in Lahore
- Kazi Khaleed Ashraf, Bengal Institute for Architecture, Landscapes and Settlements, Dakha. The Future is Fluid: Water as an Existential Theme in Architecture and Urbanism in Bangladesh
Amphi 28 - 28 rue Saint Guillaume - Paris 7
9:00 – 11:00: Rural Issues and Agricultural Innovations
- Chair: Olivia Aubriot, CESAH-EHESS/CNRS
- Discussant: Hemal Thakker, Sciences Po alumnus
- Frédéric Landy, Nanterre University. An Agriculture Adapted to the Instability of Tropical Climates, but not yet to Climate Change
- Anne Sophie Poisot, Office of Innovation, FAO. Micro-Farming and Macroeconomic Transitions Towards Climate-Resilient Agroecology in Andhra Pradesh, India
11:00 – 12:30: Panel discussion on South Asia and Climate Negotiations
- Moderator: Richard Balme, Sciences Po-CEE/CNRS
- Amy Dahan, CNRS emeritus research director
- Joseph Delatte, Resident Fellow at Institut Montaigne
- Lola Vallejo, IDDRI and UNFCC
--- Lunch break ---
14:00 – 16:45: Mitigation, Adaptation and Resistance
- Manisha Anantharaman, Sciences Po-CSO/CNRS. From Performative to Transformative Environmentalism: Seeking Cross-Class Coalitions for Climate Justice
- Clément Imbert, Sciences Po-Economy Department. Climate Change and Seasonal Migration in India: Evidence from Railway Data
- Matthew Gordon, Paris School of Economics. Targeting Disaster: Visibility and vulnerability after the 2015 Nepal Earthquake
--- Coffee break ---
17:15 – 18:45: Keynote address by Esther Duflo, Collège de France and MIT
- Introduced by Sergei Guriev
18:45 – 19:00: Concluding remarks by Christophe Jaffrelot
Diffusé sur :
Cercle Asie / Asia Circle