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Replay - Welcome Back Party - Saatchi Yates




The Welcome Back Party was designed to allow our fantastic Sciences Po community in London to simply reconnect, have fun and enjoy some art.

We would like to extend our warm thanks to our sponsors for the evening:
Amber Capital, Vici Advisory, and Kalita Partners.*

We are also extremely grateful for the support of Phoebe Saatchi, Arthur Yates and their exceptional team who have opened to us their formidable space - Saatchi Yates - in Mayfair for an entire evening.

Ayala was our Champagne partner for the evening, organised with the kind support of Lunzer Wine Events.
The evening started with a short introduction by Nathalie Jacquet, head of Strategy & Development at Sciences Po.
It was an opportunity for the trustees of the Sciences Po Alumni UK Charity Trust to present the most recent fellows of the Bourse Assia de Juniac, Olivia de Vesci, the Bourse Roger Seydoux, Mounir Zriouil, and the Bourse KCL, Anjali Shenoy.

Art historian Hector Campbell and third generation art and antiques dealer Robin Katz presented the new paintings of Cornish artist Danny Fox.

The party was in full swing and smiles were everywhere. Then, came a little surprise: Mathias Vicherat, the recently appointed Director of Sciences Po, joined us on Zoom for a chat.

The evening continued and we were delighted to have with us a good number of Sciences Po students currently studying in London.

There are many more pictures from the evening

View pictures

Nothing would have been possible without the support of the team of volunteers of Sciences Po Alumni UK: Virginie Roell-Lacaille, Dieu-Donne Gameli, Oliver Musial, Jeremy Ha; Sciences Po students in London Léo Mugneret-La Gravière and Mathias Ollu; the Sciences Po Alumni team in Paris; the Sciences Po executive team; and our best supporters Natalia Nasibullova, Cecile d'Angelin and Stephane Rambosson.

Thank you all and see you soon !

Julien Artero
President, Sciences Po Alumni UK.

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